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1 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/23 19:37 ID:2Hh5OWet
          |     |/(-_-)\|
          |     |   ∩∩   |
          |      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        (-_-) …
☆How can I let our son out of his room? He professes that he
is in the group of indoors for all seasons and for all time.


18 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 03:39 id:M8nt4deH
☆The urine boy feels definite aim in life for discharging an excessive thing from the body.

☆"Whatever a useless fellow may do, he was hopeless" was said to the robot.

34 :萌える英熟語 :03/11/24 13:02 ID:00KN1wU3
>>33 なるほど。敢えて熟語を作ってみました。英語は怪しいなあ…

the first step[ざ ふぁーすと すてっぷ]

☆Making an egg sunny-side up is the first step in working for family restaurant as cook.

36 :萌える英熟語 :03/11/24 13:17 ID:00KN1wU3

junk mails[じゃんく めーる]
 同義語 spam , unsolicited bulk e-mail〔〈略〉UBE〕,
       unsolicited commercial e-mail〔〈略〉UCE〕 など

☆I derive happiness from the number of junk mails every day.

41 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 13:44 ID:1tYJ2qiL
[形] exposed さらされた、むきだしの

○'expose oneself' は、「お○ん○んを露出する」っていう意味もあるから、人前では使わないでね。

☆I would expose everything for you, my dearest brother...

43 :萌える英熟語 :03/11/24 14:06 ID:00KN1wU3

wear makeup on[うぇあー めーきゃっぷ おん]

☆You are the loveliest in the world when makeup on.

47 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 17:07 id:N3AcHr2p
    -―――――-            ブレイクッ!!ブレイクッ!
   /  ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄.|| |    (゜∀゜)
  /ブレイク!//   ブレイク! (ヽ□=□))   ────────
[/_____ヾ(゜∀//[ ](゜∀゜ )シ|__ > > ___
.||_    ___|_| ̄ ̄ ̄|.| | 日本ブレイク工業 |   ────────
.lO|--- |O゜.|____|.|_|ニニニニニニニl.|

_∈∀∋ ̄_l_____l⌒ l. _____ _ l⌒l_   ─────────

  ̄ ̄゛--' ̄ ̄゛ー'  ̄ ̄ ̄゛--'  ゛ー'

The company which performs demolition business became famous by the theme song of a company.

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ブレイク工業キタ━ヽ(゜∀゜ )ノ━!!

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48 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 17:29 id:lxJ/S4mr
☆When the husband and wife made the salesclerk stand in a line, they beat in the face of the child.

☆This personal computer is not believed in \19,800 etc.!

49 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 17:38 ID:00KN1wU3
☆I can't believe this personal computer is \19,800 !  How lucky am I!

56 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 19:01 id:o6OpHEHZ
☆O.K. I was caught in the "Browser Clasher".
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  ★なんと。      ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  ☆Oh, indeed.     /   \     | |     /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |   __(__ニつ/  IBM  / .| .|____       \/____/ (u ⊃ 65 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 19:37 ID:oL3SEm9n ★あたし、あなたのことが、好きだったよ。知ってた? ☆I have always loved you. Have you known it? ★ちゃんと言えなかったこと、すごく後悔してたんだよ。知ってた? ☆I have regretted very much I could not tell you that I had loved you. Have you known it? ★誰にも渡したくないって、今でも思ってる。知ってた? ☆I still never want to give you up to anyone. Have you known it? ★じゃあ、さよなら。もう逢えないけど。…これは知ってたでしょ? ☆Now, I say good bye, though we can no longer meet again. ...You have known it, haven't you? 78 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 20:31 ID:Xpi1laJN ★俺達はとんでもない勘違いをしていたようだ ☆I think that we were doing the surprising misapprehension. 79 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 20:34 ID:VjjN+kAV ★な、なんだってー!?(AA略) ☆Indeed!? 82 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 20:44 ID:VjjN+kAV ★人間は無用な知識の数が増えることで快感を感じることができる唯一の動物である。 ☆Human beings is the unique animal that can achieve orgasm to increse trivial knowledges. 85 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 21:08 ID:VjjN+kAV ★暴走族は犬のウンコより悪い。犬のウンコは肥料になるが、暴走族は産業廃棄物でどうにもならない。 ☆A motorcycle gang is worse than excrement of a dog. They are mere industrial wastes and can't be dealt with, although even excrement of a dog becomes manure! 94 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/24 21:35 ID:oyNt0e4Y ★私も古い秘密の名前を持っているんだよ ☆I also have an ancient name of secret. ★ラピュタは滅びぬ、何度でもよみがえるさ。 ☆Laputa is never ruined. It will be revitalized any number of times. 171 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 00:11 ID:MxEtzK11 ★ここは、ひどいインターネットですね。 ☆This sight is unreasonable contents in (the) Internet. 174 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 00:12 ID:T5ztyaoN ★うほ!いい男! ☆Wow !It is a sexy man ! 176 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 00:17 ID:7nYal7M+ ★やらないか ☆Why don't you play with me? 177 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 00:25 ID:L++jPcUC ★ところで俺のキンタマを見てくれ。こいつをどう思う? ☆By the way, look at my testis. What do you think of this? 182 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 00:30 ID:T5ztyaoN ★すごく……大きいです。 ☆I think that…… It is very large. 197 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 00:55 ID:OBpq3O0T ★出されたご飯は残さず食べる ☆Don't leave the served meal. ★転んでも泣かない ☆Don't cry even if you fall down. ★おいらのギャグには大爆笑する ☆Roar with loughter for my gag. 205 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 02:44 ID:moslS6P2 hit[ひっと]  [動]<他>打つ、殴る、襲う [名]打ち当て、当たり

☆I hit him who said "NULLPO".

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213 :水先案名無い人 :03/11/25 09:19 ID:8iNvhnH1

☆I wii laugh if persons appear that they studied English to look at this thread without using a Moe-tan!

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